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You can make Better Business Decisions... with MBA Business Intelligence

Activity, financial, and clinical data -- when properly collected, organized and analyzed -- yield valuable business management information to the health care organization; however, the development of this information requires a significant commitment of time and analytical resources. MBAs analytical software permits easy, cost-effective production of customized analyses and reports that support improved operational and strategic decisions, thus relieving busy providers and medical business managers from the tasks of data collection, data analysis, and reporting.

Physician production and performance measurements are some of the most complex and sensitive areas of medical services management. Reliable, valid data are cornerstones of physician performance measurement. MBA is experienced in the measurement of physician production, including the development of provider compensation plans designed to achieve complex organizational performance objectives such as fairness, efficiency, productivity, collaboration and clinical excellence.

Many providers erroneously believe that payers have an overwhelming advantage in fee schedule negotiations. Actually, providers have greater access to relevant data, but often lack the resources needed to translate those data into valuable negotiation information. Payer Fee Schedule and Margin Analysis allows the comparison of reimbursement rates to actual service production costs for the unique mix of services provided to a payers beneficiaries - thereby determining the specific margin attributable to a payers business. MBA is experienced in supporting empirically-substantiated rate negotiations and successful in gaining justified adjustments.

MBA offers the power of data-driven, business intelligence to any provider who possesses medical services billing data and basic financial reports. Clear, powerful, unambiguous information support improved decisions regarding production and efficiency assessments, compensation management, fee schedule negotiation and strategic planning.

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